In "Förgetmigej" (Forget-Me-Not), Erika Kristofersson Bredberg explores the tension between existence and dissolution—being seen, remembered, and relevant, while also confronting the desire to disappear, to forget, and to be forgotten. The exhibition weaves together themes of loneliness and connection, resistance and peace, surface and soul.
Through her glass sculptures, Erika reflects on the human condition, portraying it as a constant struggle. As adults, we are soldiers fighting for our beliefs, justifying our actions, and defending our existence. Yet, what happens when our actions contradict our values? When we hurt but feel no remorse? Erika's work asks: Is it possible to let go of the past? To stop longing for the innocence of childhood and forget what we once held dear?
The title, Forget-Me-Not, references both the flower and its name in German, vergissmeinnicht—“forget me not”—while also playing on the phrase “for get me.” This double meaning is echoed in Erika’s hand-drawn typography, where the letters seem to dissolve into ambiguity. The sculptures in this exhibition are crafted from glass, blown and shaped by Erika with the assistance of Ammy Olofsson at Glasbolaget. The medium itself, fragile yet resilient, mirrors the delicate balance between memory and erasure that the exhibition contemplates.
Erika Kristofersson Bredberg
17.10.24 - 09.24.24