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Take your time and make your own art with your breasts - a therapeutic and fulfilling workshop.


The painting process is based on mandala painting, just like breasts, that art form is round and centered. During the workshop, everyone has three sheets. One representing the past, one for the present and one for the future.


We encourage people to go through each step and think about their mental state at the time, then choose colors that represent each step and simply apply paint to the breasts. Afterwards we go through the meaning of each color. For some people, it's a revelation! We also talk openly about the body, mental health and life-changing stories during the workshop hour, which is always filled with emotions and sometimes tears. It's very beautiful.


The founder of Just Breast- Romina Moradi believes that there is a choice in everything we do, and her choice is to leave a mark. With her art, she hopes to inspire others to do the same. In a creative and playful way, Romina reflects the unique and complex difference between women. She disarms the preconceived idea of the female body.


This has brought her art into more than 1000 homes around Sweden and workshops in Barcelona, Amsterdam and Stockholm. In addition, 10% of her profit goes directly to the Rosa Bandet Cancer Foundation.

To note
Loose clothes

The color is harmless

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